
Documentary Photos

Transform your nonprofit story into a documentary photo essay that highlights the heart and soul behind what you do. Reach more people online with raw and authentic digital marketing photographs that tell a good story. Please schedule a call to find out more.

Coalesce Discovery

& Global Service Partnership’s recovery retreat

Boise, Idaho based nonprofits Global Service Partnerships and Coalesce Discovery partner to create a program that takes a group of five widows on a service trip to Belize. The nonprofits both wanted to show the healing benefits of the program in action. The Horizons Belize Retreat video shows the transformation these widows undergo as they learn how to cope with loss in their life together. The bond of human connection is not only shown in this narrative-based promotional video, but more importantly, it is felt.

Book a call to start your nonprofit photo story today.


TEAM RIVER RUNNER - Outtasight Clinic
